Advisor Team


He had been working in the agricultural sector for a long time. He completed his education at Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, and earned an MSc in Agricultural Extension from the University of Reading, UK. After completing his education, he joined the Ministry of Agriculture as a Thana Extension Officer and gradually advanced in his career, retiring as a Joint secretary from the Ministry of Livestock and Fishires in 2011.
During his service period, he was involved in planning, implementing, evaluating, and supervising development programs. His responsibilities included preparing and executing annual development plans, developing Development Project Proposals (DPP) and Technical Assistance Project Proposals (TAPP), and implementing them. He gained experience in field administration, management, planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring, and supervision. He also guided field officers in their activities and planned and prepared training courses, training modules, training materials, and teaching aids.
He demonstrated an outstanding capability in organizing meetings, seminars, workshops, training sessions, and public interviews. He possesses comprehensive knowledge about existing policies and practices for the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. He has confidence in leading teams and the ability to train, motivate, and administer them to achieve organizational goals. He has excellent expertise in drafting official letters, memos, summaries, and reports.
During his service period, he visited Thailand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, China, Korea, the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia. It is noteworthy that, as a civil servant, he has 30 years of service experience in both field administration and various departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industries, Livestock & Fisheries .
After retiring from government service, he gained additional experience as a member of DPP and TAPP preparation teams.
He is a member of the Krishibid Institute of Bangladesh and Lions Club International. He has also served as the past president of the Chawkbazar Lions Club, Dhaka, and as a past district co-chairman.


Mr. Khan is highly motivated and results-oriented development activist with over 25 years of experience in the government and NGO sectors in Bangladesh. With a strong academic foundation in Economics and Law, Mr. Khan possesses a deep understanding of social issues, particularly children's rights, labor rights, migration, Human trafficking and human rights.
He has a proven track record of success in program development, implementation, and management. Key achievements include leading a consortium of 6 organizations to combat child trafficking, conducting extensive capacity-building initiatives for NGOs and government agencies and conducting research on critical issues like child trafficking and labor rights.
He is a skilled trainer and facilitator, possessing strong communication and interpersonal skills. This expertise has been instrumental in delivering impactful training programs on various topics, including child rights, labor laws, and safe migration practices.
Mr. Khan is a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a strong commitment to social justice.
Apart from the development activists he is also a regular legal practitioner on Labour law at the labour Court. He is also a former president of the labour court Bar Association.

Debarati Bhattacharya

Debarati Bhattacharya
Debarati Bhattacharya is a citizen of West Banglae , India, at present she is in Scotland, United Kingdom. Currently, she is working with Shakti Women’s Aid Edinburgh as an Outreach Case/Capacity building worker for women and children facing domestic abuse and forced marriage which is a Scottish Charity for marginal migrant women. Specially, she is a lawyer. She completed a student internship for 8 weeks with Chess Solicitors, London in the field of Immigration and Asylum Law in the UK. This internship helped her gain exposure to the workings of UK law firms and practical knowledge of immigration law and client handling. Also helped her apply academic knowledge of legal research and case studies acquired while completing her LLM. She held a University Approved Dissertation on “Child Pornography-Regulation and Challenges” under Cyber Law in 2021 from National Law School University, Bangalore, India which also added to her knowledge and exposure to research methodology, data collection analysis and presentation. It added to her analytical skills. She has some legal experiences as an advocate of Bar Council of West-Bengal, India, i.e. advocacy, Case preparation and litigation in Family Court and Magistrate court; working on gender based violence cases and gender imbalance; preparing draft, deeds, agreements, legal pleadings, and other legal documents; drafting of formal complaints or charges in Domestic Violence cases and compensation claims; represent clients in divorce cases from seeking divorce orders to financial provisions and custody of children; experience in representing cases in Consumer Forums; and rendered Pro bono consultancy services for women and children’s rights in a law firm (Advocates’ Council) in West-Bengal, India for minority population. She attended seminars, meetings and taken webinars (during Covid-19) on Human Rights and gender imbalance.
Ms. Debarati Bhattacharyya completed LL.B. from Calcutta University (Special Papers: Labour law and Taxation)1991, B.Sc. from Calcutta University (Life -Science)-1986 and she also graduated from the University of Dundee, U.K. with Merit in LLM in Business and Human Rights Law.

David Yeh

David Yeh
David Yeh is originally from Meizhou, Guangdong Province, China, but at the moment, he is in Dhaka Bangladesh, working with Bangladesh Rural Economic Development (BRED). At the moment, he is collaborating with different international and local organizations and engaging in such social activities which create legacy of social obligations towards Bangladeshi disadvantaged and underprivileged communities. Particularly, he is self-employed as an independent consultant and a development service provider. He graduated from North South University where he had been a hardworking student. He has capacities for advocacy and policy level change for the Organization and has engaged in social works in Southern Asian region.
He is also into social entrepreneurship, having expertise and experience in corporate and financial institutional capacity building which is necessary for duplication of the business model and motivation for the would-be entrepreneurs. He likes travelling, reading, listening to songs as well as ideas related to different parts of the world and about cosmopolitan people. He is one of the interested person in BRED to provide support, assist in collaboration, sponsor and mobilize grants. For more than five years now he has been a part of the good works of our organization. Toward BRED’s vision and mission alignment he also wishes to contribute in a society that is hunger and poverty free.
He made a contribution within the department of charity activities that aimed to empower and develop the capacity of our beneficiaries without any discrimination based on age, gender, color or caste. Also, he provided his help during one of the emergency BRED projects through his great heart.
As an Advisor, David is committed primarily to the vision, mission and strategy objectives of BRED family and at the same time ‘managing’ the reputation of the Organization in the world, at the level of sponsors, business and multinational. He connected BRED to numerous development arms and partners to fast track this great ministry from the Bangladesh people.

Zakia Begum

Zakia Begum
Zakia Begum completed M.A. in Bangla from University of Dhaka along with B.A from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
She is working as an independent Development Professional having more than 35 years experiences with multidisciplinary, national and international organizations like PROMOTE, ESTEEM, South Asia Partnership-Bangladesh, COMMUNICA, Global 2000. She has expertise in training need assessment, manual development, study design and study conduction, strategic planning, Social Development, Training Facilitation regarding different cross cutting issues Like as, Training of Trainers (TOT), Health and Nutrition, Water and Sanitation, Disaster Management, Gender and women’s development, Human Rights Child Rights, SRHR, Leadership development, Advocacy and communication, Social mobilization, Entrepreneurship Development, Supervision and monitoring etc. Work experience in secondary and primary education, population and development, Behavioral change communication, rights approach. She has working experience with both Government and Non-government organizations in the field of Education, Life Skills, Entrepreneurship, Health and Nutrition, Health and Population, HIV and AIDS, Mother and Child Health Care (MCH), Gender and Development, Transgender issues, Violence Against Women issues, Child and Human Rights, WATSAN, SRHR, Communication, Ethnic Minority of Hill and plain land, Advocacy Disaster & Emergency Response. A highly effective project management with a wide range of technical expertise, facilitation and consultancy skills. She has excellent training and facilitation skills on various development issues including Participatory Learning and Action (PRA/PLA), Steeping Stones. Experience in Training Facilitation, Training Needs Assessment (TNA), development of training plan, Develop Modules, Manuals, and Curriculum etc. and Conduct training Follow-up and Evaluation. She has experience in conducting Appraisal, Review, Evaluation and Impact assessment of development project and program. In depth understanding of how international agencies such as the OXFAM UN agency (UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO ICDDRB) work and interface with Government, development partners and both national and international charities (non-government organizations). She developed broad expertise on Institutional Capacity Building, which comprises designing and facilitation of different participatory tools for Community Action Planning (CAP) to improve sanitation and hygiene situation in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh intensively working with Union Parishad (LGI-rural) and Municipality (Urban) under DANIDA, UNDP, UNICEF. She also developed and supervised more than 20 types of training modules on different aspects of institutional capacity building

Mr. Naresh C. Madhu

Mr. Naresh C. Madhu
During his service, he has been working in different environment almost independently in the field of socio-economic development/poverty alleviation, and organization at grassroots level for sustainable development of the poor. He has also exposure in organizing training/ workshops/discussion session for the management and filed level staff of different NGOs and also grassroots people thus gaining long experience in GO-NGO partnership in development.
He has the long experience in the field of training and also have the expertise to work with development organizations and also with the training-based organizations. During his working span he has to develop training manual, conducted training and also have to take steps to develop a training cell along with training needs assessment of the staff. Have the experiences to work with others training institute-based organization, like Communica, PRIPTRUST and SAP-Bangladesh.
On the other hand, while he was receiving training from home and abroad he has a keen observance about the institute and management systems and organization development. At present He is the team leader of ADAB resource pool, President of Bangladesh Trainers Foru. From the very beginning, he has been working for organization development and also conducted series of Organization Capacity Assessment workshops and also organizational development training and workshop.
Basically, he is master training of different issues. He has been conducting training on project proposal writing, Advocacy, and lobbying, project cycle management, Out-impact– orientation, Organization development, OIO, sales and motivation, Communication and Facilitation, Strategic Planning, Resources Mobilization and other issues-based training.
He has a good educational background, he did master’s in Zoology from Dhaka university, BSS from National university, LLB from National University, Diploma in community-based development from Canada, a Master in public health from USA, MBA from the open university. Last 35 years he has been working in the field of development and having working experience with national and international organization.